Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I was ready to take down my drawings but they stopped me and kept on yanking.


I endured and held back my tears while staring at my drawings instead when they continued with they yanking. Dr. Tan already saw how disappointed i am and kinda wanted to make me feel better by saying my 3rd concept was 'not bad'.

I don't mind the critics. Just tell me straight to the point that its too conventional and expected, and give me constructive opinions. Don't give me some stupid shit like

  • Ask me to visit minister's table to see what their table actually contain?!!??!
  • Tell me that usually, their table is very clean. (like DUH thats why i design something which is simple. Then what? Design a NP TABLE CLOTH for them?)
  • Design something different, like a TOOTHPASTE HOLDER. I talked back and he actually said that WHO DON'T BRUSH TEETH? Well HELLO? TOOTHPASTE HOLDER for a token of appreciation for the ministers/principals? Its like designing a toilet bowl for them and saying, WHO DON'T GO TOILET? Can't you see its obviously inappropriate?

I felt really retarded cheonging the thumbnail sketches yesturday night till 3am+.

You threw me this project while rejecting the rest of my ideas without telling me the reason. What crap? Even if my ideas suck, you should as least inform me. Or is it because you guys need SOMEONE to do the job and i'm the "lucky" one?


Never knew it could be so difficult.


Any ideas?

I hope monday never arrive.


ps: sorry ah, need to shout out to my blog. teehee. (Though just now i shouted the 4 letter word at the school's carpark already. Right Zhixiang? If i want to say, just say lah, what for scared. I also say only, not act it out. HAHAHA. :x)


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