Monday, October 24, 2005

Fuckin sad.

Been so low in luck recently...

but,thought i chose magician...? (okie nvm,not funny.Only if u play maple then u'll know.)

woke up at 4.45pm just now.

Think kinda sad that my blackie is so empty now.I missed all the msgs.I din't even want to delete my 2000+ inbox msges (mind you,i deleted alot be4 liao because to prevent lagging),talking about my folders!!!And all those forward msges.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Been complaining to lotsa ppl. :x Tellin me that, "I'll send you lor,don't sad." and all kind of stuffs.Its different...different!!!

I even transfered those msges from my old phone (8250) to my new one, blackie(7610).And now?CRAP.All gone.Gone forever.

My blackie is stilled sick.IF its still sick after i go down again,i'm gonna rape each and everyone of them in the Nokia shop.You get it,without condoms.And all of us will get Aids.YAY.In addition,i'll stuff everyone's phone up their asses before i leave.

I rock.

so fuckin sad.

*note: sorry for the disgusting contents. :)*


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