Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Mosquito bite.


What a STUPID place to get a MOSQUITO BITE!!!

Curse that MOSQUITO get AIDS one day. $*&!^%!^#%!&*#$;#!~;^&^~*!&(*^$%!!!!!!


so itchy lar?

damn kuku sia.

Went back to BVSS for Teachers' Day.Performances all had ended when we reached there.Even Bukitview Idol.Only managed to see CCA achievements and prize giving. -___-" SO entertaining.Diaos.Rot here and there,crapping as usual.Nonsense abit thru phone with Miss Gan. :D

Yeaps.I ponned Mr Potato class again.Went shopping with Bee, Dong and Min at Bugis instead.And guess wad?Only 2 fellas attended the class,out of 20.Wad the hell.SOOooOooOoOooo~ terrible. :x

He's gonna kill us.


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